The Barnstormers Theater  "The oldest continuously operating community theater in Pennsylvania..."


You don't need to be a member of The Barnstormers to help out! And you do not need to commit a lot of time. The life blood of any non profit organization is its volunteers, and we survive and thrive on the commitment and energy of our volunteers. The Barn is no exception. We count on every member and non member to keep the gift of theater alive in the community in which we operate.

You can help out with nearly everything, from facility maintenance, to building and painting sets, to ushering shows, to running stage crew and everything in between. If you can volunteer an hour a week toward up-keep, two hours to help with an clean up, a few hours to help sew/alter costumes, or would like to help with a production, we can use your talents.

Please consider helping us to keep the theater going another 100 years by generously donating your time and talents.. 

We appreciate your support.